Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Govdash (Realize, Inc) values your privacy and takes the responsibility of safeguarding your personal data seriously. This privacy policy serves as a guide on how we manage your personal data when you access our website, no matter your geographic location. It also outlines your rights concerning privacy and the legal protections available to you.
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "our services" refer to all Govdash products, including our custom proposal engines, pilot programs, annual plans, websites, and any related software.
If you are part of a Govdash pilot program or an annual plan, please note that your organization controls the information that is processed for proposal generation. In such instances, we act as a processor on behalf of your organization.


While we recommend that you read the entire Privacy Policy, here are some key takeaways:
  • We will never sell your data.
  • Our revenue comes from our pilot programs and annual plans. We do not monetize your data.
  • We process your account and payment information when you sign up and use our services.
  • To optimize the custom proposal engines, we process relevant data, including the type of government contract you're applying for.
  • We may collaborate with a select group of trusted third parties to help provide our services.

Data Collection and Use

Information You Provide:
  • Account Information: To use our services, you are required to create an account. This involves providing basic information such as your name, email address, and company details.
  • Payment Information: If you opt for a paid service, we will process payment information through secure third-party services (Stripe).
Automated Information:
  • Proposal Data: When you use our custom proposal engines, we process the data entered to generate the proposals.
  • Technical Data: We collect information like IP addresses and device types to enhance our services.

Third-Party Service Providers

We employ trusted third-party companies to facilitate our services. These third parties have access to your personal information only to perform specific tasks on our behalf and are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your information.


We've implemented robust security protocols to safeguard your personal data against accidental loss, unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. Data is encrypted in transit and at rest. Access to your data is strictly limited to our engineering team members who require this information to improve your product experience and operational purposes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you can reach out to us.

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