Our investment in GovDash: Revolutionizing Federal Contracting with AI

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our $10 million Series A investment in GovDash, the AI-powered platform transforming the way federal contractors manage their business development processes. We’re proud to lead this round, with participation from Y Combinator and select angel investors, including GovDash customers.

Founded in 2023 by Sean Doherty, Timothy Goltser and Curtis Mason, GovDash addresses a critical pain point in the federal contracting space: the time-consuming and tedious process of responding to government solicitations. Today, contractors typically spend two to four weeks per proposal, manually drafting lengthy bid responses or paying a consultant to do the same. Teams are not only burnt out; their revenue opportunities are capped by the number of proposals they can submit.

By leveraging AI to automate the proposal process, GovDash enables contractors to create high-quality responses quickly, increasing their win rates and overall revenue. The platform goes beyond proposal writing, offering a suite of tools that seamlessly integrates with contractors’ existing workflows, including a deep integration with Microsoft Word. From shredding solicitations and identifying relevant contracts to centralizing data from multiple silos, GovDash acts as an AI-powered extra pair of hands, helping contractors sign more contracts and run their entire business development function more efficiently.

Our Principal, Molly Alter who is joining the board adds, “In any given year the U.S. government spends over $650B in contracted work, virtually all of which has to pass through a formal RFP process. GovDash is building a defining Vertical AI company that will allow these government contractors to automate away rigorous workflows and re-focus on their core products and services, which are vital to the United States as a whole. We believe GovDash embodies our thesis of vertical AI and are excited to support their growth.”

With this new funding, GovDash will accelerate product development, expanding its platform to include additional modules for proposal writing, contract search, and management. The company will also grow its customer support teams globally to serve larger customers in the US.

We are excited to partner with Sean, Timothy, Curtis and the GovDash team as they continue to revolutionize the federal contracting industry. If you’re a US contractor looking to streamline your business development processes, join the GovDash movement today on GovDash.com.

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